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Alexa Seleno

How to Prevent Safaricom Sim Swap Fraud

What is a SIM Swap?

A Sim swap is when fraudster steals your personal phone number and assumes your identity. This makes your private data easily accessible: including email accounts, social media, and bank accounts through internet banking Apps.

The fraudster will often access these details by intercepting the one-time-password that is usually texted to your number.

This way, the fraudsters gain access to your bank and M-Pesa accounts. This will enable them clear your accounts, withdraw overdrafts, take loans. They can also use your email to get your family and friends’ contacts, who they borrow money from using your identity. In this article, we’ll show you how to safeguard your Safaricom number SIM swap fraud.

How to Prevent Sim Swap Fraud

1. Safaricom SIM Swap Self-whitelist?

Safaricom has launched a service that ensures a customer’s line/SIM card can only be replaced by visiting a Safaricom Shop with their ID. This will help eliminate the risk of being a victim of sim swap fraud. The service can be accessed by dialing *100*100# from your Safaricom number. This therefore, whitelists your line from being replaced by another person. The SIM Swap Self-whitelist service can be accessed by Pre-paid and post-pay customers. Sim swap cannot be done on your behalf from someone else’s line.

2. Limit the amount of personal information you share online.

Fraudsters often monitor your digital footprint and will pick the smallest details to convince your mobile service provider that they are you. Avoid posting anywhere public your personal details e.g. full name, phone number, date of birth, etc. Also, do not over-expose your personal life on social media.

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